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Categorical Programs

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the federal K-12 education law of the United States. ESSA was signed into law in 2015 and replaced the previous education law called “No Child Left Behind.” ESSA extended more flexibility to States in education and laid out expectations of transparency for parents and for communities.

ESSA requires every state to measure performance in reading, math, and science. Each state determines the way students are assessed. Every school in each state must inform parents about their standards and their results.

ESSA requires every state to develop a concise and easily understandable “State Report Card” that is accessible online and provides parents important information on test performance in reading, math, and science. The report cards must also provide data on graduation rates, suspensions, absenteeism, teacher qualifications, and many other areas.

ESSA increases transparency to empower parents with information to help them make the best choices for their children. For the first time ever, states are required to report how much money, on average, they spend per student. This is called “per pupil expenditures.” ESSA also requires states to list their lowest performing 5% of schools. These schools require “comprehensive support and improvement.”

ESSA extends flexibility for funds to be invested in career and technical education and even toward transportation for students to attend higher performing schools.


Title I School-wide Programs

A Title I school is a school that serves high concentrations of economically disadvantaged students. A Title I school with a poverty rate of 40 percent or more may operate a school wide program - meaning it can use the funds to support all the students in the school- and may consolidate Federal, State, and local funds to better serve its students.  A State  may grant a waiver to a school with a poverty rate below 40 percent to operate a school wide program if the State thinks a school wide program will better serve students.

Program Improvement

Beginning in the 2017–18 SY, LEAs and schools will no longer be identified for Program Improvement (PI) or be required to implement specific PI-related activities. In addition, LEAs will not be required to set aside any PI reservations for the 2017–18 SY. LEAs and schools previously identified for PI are encouraged to use evidence-based interventions, which may include alternative supports that are designed to improve the academic achievement of socioeconomically disadvantaged students.

School Choice

Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (Section 1111[d][1][D]), for schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI), the LEA may provide all students enrolled in such school with the option to transfer to another public school served by the LEA, unless such an option is prohibited by State law (ESSA Section 1111[d][1][D][i]).

In providing students the option to transfer to another public school, the LEA shall:

  • Give priority to the lowest achieving children from low-income families, as determined by the LEA for purposes of allocating funds to schools under section 1113(a)(3) (ESSA Section 1111[d][1][D][ii]);
  • Ensure that a student who transfers to a school in the LEA that is not identified for CSI enroll in classes and other activities in the public school in the same manner as all other students in the school (ESSA Section 1111[d][1][D][iii]);
  • Permit a student who transfers to another public school in the LEA that is not identified for CSI to remain in that school until the student has completed the highest grade in that school (ESSA Section 1111[d][1][D][iv]).

The public school choice (Choice) program under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was phased out in the 2017–18 school year due to the implementation of the ESSA. Beginning in the 2018–19 school year LEAs may continue but are no longer required to provide transportation to students who transferred to non-program improvement schools under the NCLB Choice program. However, LEAs must allow such students to remain in the schools of choice until they complete the highest grade level in that school.

School Site Council (SSC)

The School Site Council (SSC) reviews and approves the School's Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) that outlines how the school will address the academic needs of their students and how the categorical budgets will be spent to support those needs.

English Learners

Document Info File
Overview of English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) View/Ver

English Language Proficiency Assessment for California ( ELPAC) Parent Guide- English

English Language Proficiency Assessment for California ( ELPAC) Parent Guide- Spanish 



EL Master Plan 2022-2023 View/Ver



English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC)

The English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) is a group of parents, staff and community members specifically designated to advise school officials on English Learner programs and services. At the ELAC meetings, it is important to discuss school topics such as ELPAC assessments, progress monitoring, reclassification process, importance of attendance, upcoming events, and any other topic brought to the council by parents.