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Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Adelanto Elementary School District recognizes that suicide is a major cause of death among school-aged youth. The following resources regarding suicide awareness and prevention provide information for students, families, and school/district employees.


Adelanto Elementary School District

Board Policy 5141.52: Suicide Prevention 

Administrative Regulation 5141.52: Suicide Prevention


AESD Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Presentation for Staff




AESD Wellness Center Text-lines and Hotlines Informational Page

Talk to A School or District Counselor Referral Page

Community Resource - Care Solace 

Victorville Crisis Walk-In Center



Suicide Prevention




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Navigating a Mental Health Crisis

Click the icon below to view the video (Available in Spanish by clicking the En Español link at the bottom of the webpage)





Warning Signs of Suicide