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Intradistrict Transfer


Information for the 2024 – 25 school year

The following schools have been closed to transfers for the 2024-25 school year due to growth, projected growth, and overflow challenges as new homes are occupied.



School Name

Status 24/25

Additional Information

Adelanto Elementary

Closed 1st – 5th

Limited space  in Kinder

Eagle Ranch Elementary


Closed to intra and inter-district transfers due to lack of available space

Westside Park Elementary

Closed 1st – 5th

Limited space Kinder

Bradach Elementary

Closed in K – 1st

Limited space 2nd – 5th grades

Morgan Kincaid Elementary


Closed to intra and inter-district transfers due to lack of available space

Theodore Vick Elementary

Closed in 2nd & 3rd

Limited space in all other grades.

Victoria Magathan Elementary


Closed to intra and inter-district transfers due to lack of available space

West Creek Elementary


Closed to intra and inter-district transfers due to lack of available space

Special Education


All Schools


Open Enrollment Intradistrict Transfer          

AESD offers Intradistrict Enrollment during the annual Open Enrollment period of March 1 - May 1.   Open Enrollment is covered under Board Policy 5116.1 and is located here.  Open Enrollment is the primary method for students to transfer schools. The capacity levels of schools are reviewed annually by the Superintendent or designee.  

Capacity is based on several factors including, but not limited to the following: projected enrollment, ensuring seats for resident students, teachers working at a site,  program needs, ensuring enrollment balance to the greatest extent possible, and other factors.  

  • Intradistrict transfer requests are granted based on space availability, student conduct, and attendance.
  • Parent/guardian assumes responsibility for providing transportation to and from school.
  • A student on an approved Intradistrict transfer may be subject to reassignment due to excessive enrollment at a school site.
  • Once a student is granted an Intradistrict transfer for the school requested, they will attend the school(s) until the completion of 8th grade, as long as enrollment space exists, and all transfer conditions are met.
  • An approved Intradistrict transfer may be revoked at any time if information is falsified on the transfer request form or if a student demonstrates unsatisfactory conduct and/or attendance. Revocations are final and not subject to an appeal process. 

Intradistrict Transfer Outside of Open Enrollment Window

Approval of Intradistrict Transfers outside of the Open Enrollment Intradistrict Transfers are approved based on exceptions only.  It is not intended to be a second chance at Open Enrollment, but an option to address special circumstances that are primarily based on documented safety issues.  This is especially true for our impacted schools that have a waitlist from the Open Enrollment window. 

 A summary of this policy is as follows:

  • Victim of a violent crime while on school grounds (20 USC 7912)

  • Victim of an act of bullying committed by another district student, as determined through an investigation following the parent/guardian's submission of a written complaint with the school, district, or local law enforcement agency pursuant to Education Code 234.1 (Education Code 46600)

  • Experiencing special circumstances that might be harmful or dangerous to the student in the current attendance area - a written statement from a representative of an appropriate state or local agency, including but not necessarily limited to, a law enforcement official, social worker, or properly licensed or registered professional.

  • A court order

  • A sibling of another student already attending that school and who will be attending the school at the same time as the new student

  • The school selected for the intra-district transfer is the primary place of parent/guardian employment as verified by the AESD Human Resource Department  

  • Other

Transfers for the 2024-2025 academic year are currently on hold until available space can be determined. thank you for your understanding.      

   2024-2025 (August Start) Intradistrict Application - English         2024-2025 (August Start) Intradistrict Application - Spanish


Frequently Asked Questions

What is open enrollment transfer?
Open enrollment is an option to apply to a school other than a student’s resident school during a specific time frame.  AESD's open enrollment transfer window is March 1st - May 1st. 

Can out-of-district families participate in open enrollment?
Yes! Families who do not live in the AESD attendance boundary are welcome and encouraged to complete an open enrollment application.  

How do families complete the Intradistrict Transfer during open enrollment?
Families use the online enrollment system at  

When will families be notified ?
Families will be notified in June.  

What if my child is in homeschool, a private school,  or not enrolled in an AESD school and I want to participate in open enrollment?
If your child is living within AESD boundaries, you will need to complete school registration into your child’s resident school and then complete open enrollment. This ensures your child receives a AESD resident priority.  

Are special education students eligible to participate in open enrollment?
Yes, AESD values equity and therefore all families are welcome to complete an open enrollment application. The special education department will work with families to ensure the instructional program offered at the requested school meets the student's needs as prescribed in the Individual Education Plan (IEP). Many special education students will be placed at a particular school based on their IEP, without the need for open enrollment. 

Is transportation provided to students on Intradistrict Transfers?
Parents/guardians are responsible for providing transportation.