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Personal & Professional Development

Personal & Professional Development for all staff offered by the Adelanto Elementary School District, Adelanto Teachers Association, California State Employees Association.



Adelanto Elementary School District

Visit our event calendar at to view and register for upcoming trainings, professional development, and more!


California State Employees Association

Member Career Grant

Are you a member taking college classes on a part- or full-time basis? Then this program is for you! CSEA can help offset the cost of furthering your education. $1,000 grants are awarded based on financial need, career goals and objectives, citizenship, and CSEA activities.

Explore the CSEA No-Cost College and Teaching Credential Program


For more information on the CSEA Program, contact Kim Avigliano (Melva Davis), CSEA Chapter 451,


Concordia University, Irvine

Spring 2022 Application Fees Waived at Concordia University Irvine!

Apply now to be reviewed for acceptance without the need to pay an application fee!  Below are the advanced degree and credential programs that have open enrollment with classes beginning in January:

Master of Arts in Education Programs (MAED):

  • Educational Administration with Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
  • Curriculum & Instruction
  • Educational Technology
  • School Counseling with Pupil Personnel Services Credential


Credential Program:

Preliminary Administrative Services Credential


Please email Caitlin Fyfe at with any questions, information requests, or application assistance.  We look forward to hearing from you!