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Special Education Department

Kimberly Guthrie

Director of Special Education

To contact Special Education, (760) 248-8254:
Kimberly Guthrie, Director,,  x 10245
Amber Best, Coordinator,, x 10668
Annie Perez, Coordinator,,
Lynnett Mosley, Secretary,, x 10665


Special education refers to a range of educational and social services provided by the public school system and other educational institutions to individuals with disabilities who are between birth and 21 years of age. Special education is designed to ensure that students with disabilities are provided with the same academic and social emotional opportunities as their peers of  like age and grade levels in the regular education programs. 

Getting To Know the Special Education Department Power Point 

Program Options

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
The least restrictive environment provides for a full range of program options to meet the educational and services requirements of individuals with exceptional needs in the LRE.
The LRE is generally the setting the most similar to those attended by the general education students.  Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) The placement of a special needs student in a manner promoting the maximum possible interaction with the general school population.

Placement options are offered on a continuum including regular classroom with no support services, regular classroom with support services (aides and/or resource specialist program), designated instruction services, special day classes, private special education programs or institutionalization or hospitalization. 


INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PROGRAM (IEP):                                                                                                           An individualized education program (IEP) is a written document for a student with a disability. It is developed, reviewed and revised in a meeting in accordance with Federal regulations and California Education Code. Each student that is determined to have a disability has a yearly plan called an Individual Education Plan or IEP. An IEP is developed by a team of individuals that are familiar with the student's needs including the parent/guardian.
The IEP, of which the parent/guardian is an important member, determines a student's eligibility and identifies any needed program, aids, services and instruction considered necessary for the student to progress in school and gain educational benefit. The needed program aids and services must be provided in the LRE.


Special Education Program For Students With Disabilities


STUDENTS WITH MILD/MODERATE DISABILITIES:                                                                                Initial program settings for students with mild/moderate disabilities are recommended following a multi- disciplinary assessment and IEP meeting. Specialized Academic Instruction may be provided on a pullout or in-class model and is designed to assist the students in specific core subjects.  This group includes special education students in regular classrooms for more than 90% of the day; Special education students who are in the Resource Programs; and special education students in the special day class who are preforming at grade level academically.  This group also includes students who qualify for special education services with a Speech/Language Impediment only. Mild/Moderate programs are located in all schools in the district.

STUDENTS WITH MODERATE/SEVERE DISABILITIES:                                                                          Initial program settings for students with moderate/severe disabilities are recommended following a multi- disciplinary assessment and IEP meeting. A functional life skills curriculum and/or modified access to the core curriculum is the focus of the curriculum.   This group includes students in the Special Day Class with disabilities like autism and emotional disabilities.  Also included in this group are students who are medically fragile and need extensive supports and interventions to meet their daily special education needs. Students who are extremely medically fragile are placed in a home hospital setting based on recommendations from a doctor. 



A student with a disability may be provided services in a nonpublic school setting that is certified by the State of California. The nonpublic school is considered a very restrictive learning environment.  This group includes students who are in Residential Placement settings for intensive theraputic and mental health supports.  



There are State operated schools for the deaf and hard of hearing and the visually impaired.


Link for AESD Special Education Handbook



Special Education Staff



Anita Gonzalez x 10661
Alejandra Roman x 10673
Calandra Moore x 10662
Dan Cullier x 10658
Doralina Blandon x 10662
Wendy Harris x 10657




Adriana Rodriguez x 10651
Kellie Flores x 10260
Lynnett Mosley x10665
Rebeca Medina x 10669
Veronica Duran x 10650 




Justin Harper x 10674




Evelyn Guerra x 10675




Mary Murrah-Alexander x 10652



SPED Nurse

Lindsey Marlborough x 10670




Jose Mora x 10676