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Immunization Information

Children entering Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten are required to have up-to-date immunizations.  Click the buttons below to learn more about the required immunizations.  

Required Immunizations

Vacunas Requeridas

  • If you are enrolling for the first time, have your school immunization card and school physical paperwork ready to upload.
  • Child will not be placed in a class or allowed to attend school without required immunizations.
  • Effective July 1, 2019 Students transferring into Adelanto Elementary School District from another school, will be excluded from school 30 days from enrollment if immunization record is not presented at the time of enrollment or school site does not receive the records.
  • PLEASE NOTE:  7th and 8th grade students MUST have one dose of Tdap given after 7th birthday, and two doses of Varicella (Chicken Pox)

State Requirements:

Under a state law known as SB277, beginning January 1, 2016, exemptions based on personal beliefs will no longer be an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into child care or school in California.