Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents Video
The video "Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents" provides information about the Initial ELPAC including its purpose, an explanation of who takes the test, and a description of how parents and guardians will be notified of their child's results.
This video is recommended for parents and guardians who want to learn more about the ELPAC.
The "Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents" video is available in both English and Spanish.
- Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents Video: English (Video; 07:07)
(Posted 8/28/19)
- Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents Video: Spanish (Video; 08:35)
(Posted 8/28/19)
Computer-based ELPAC Overview Video
The "Computer-based ELPAC Overview" video provides general information about the ELPAC, including its importance and purpose, an explanation of who takes the test, how it is administered, and general resources available.
The "Computer-based ELPAC Overview" video is available in both English and Spanish.
- Computer-based ELPAC Overview Video: English (Video; 09:47)
(Posted 03/09/20)
- Computer-based ELPAC Overview Video: Spanish (Video; 10:32)
(Posted 04/03/20)
Introduction to the Alternate ELPAC for Parents Video
The video, "Introduction to the Alternate ELPAC for Parents," provides information about the Alternate ELPAC including its purpose, an explanation of who takes the test, and a description of how students can use their preferred communication mode to respond to questions.
This video is recommended for parents and guardians who want to learn more about the Alternate ELPAC. "The Introduction to the Alternate ELPAC for Parents" video is currently available in English and Spanish.
- Introduction to the Alternate ELPAC for Parents Video: English (Video; 09:26)
(Posted 11/05/20)
- Introduction to the Alternate ELPAC for Parents Video: Spanish (Video; 10:53)
(Posted 02/19/21)
Remote Testing Resources
- How to Take the Remote Initial ELPAC Video—English (Video; 04:46)
(Posted 08/06/21)
- Cómo tomar una prueba remota (Vídeo; 06:22)
(Posted 09/15/21)
- Initial ELPAC Grade 3–12 Directions for Remote Testing for Parents/Guardians and Students—English (PDF) (Posted 07/07/21)
- ELPAC inicial Grados 3 a 12 Instrucciones de prueba remota para padres, tutores y estudiantes (PDF) (Posted
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