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COVID-19 Prevention FAQ

COVID Prevention & Sanitation


When students arrive in the morning, should they wash or sanitize their hands?

Recommended. Every school site should provide opportunities for a child to wash hands thoroughly or to use hand sanitizer throughout the day.


How often will buses, classrooms and offices be sanitized?

Buses, classrooms and offices will be sanitized at the minimum of once per day. Buses should be sanitized twice per day: after completion of the morning route and the afternoon route.

In general, cleaning once a day is usually enough to sufficiently remove potential virus that may be on surfaces. Disinfecting (using disinfectants on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency COVID-19 list) removes any remaining germs on surfaces, which further reduces any risk of spreading infection.

If a facility has had a sick person with COVID-19 within the last 24 hours, clean AND disinfect the spaces occupied by that person during that time.


Are students allowed to share supplies?

Given the low likelihood of surface transmission of COVID-19, schools no longer have to avoid sharing objects. This includes classroom materials, items for physical education, or art supplies. Shared objects no longer have to be cleaned or disinfected between use and should follow the updated cleaning guidance outlined below.


How thoroughly are rooms and restrooms sanitized daily?

Yes. Rooms and restrooms will be cleaned once per day when in use.

In general, cleaning once a day is usually enough to sufficiently remove potential virus that may be on surfaces. Disinfecting (using disinfectants on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency COVID-19 list) removes any remaining germs on surfaces, which further reduces any risk of spreading infection.


Who will clean the classrooms?

Custodians will clean classrooms. Also, if a staff person wishes to clean off surfaces to assure the environment is disinfected, cleaning supplies such as wet wipes are part of the PPE supplies provided by the District to all sites.


Will communal computers/computer labs be cleaned?

Yes. Communal computers and computer labs will be cleaned. Also, if a staff person wishes to clean off surfaces to assure the environment is disinfected, cleaning supplies such as wet wipes are part of the PPE supplies provided by the District to all sites.


Will playground equipment be cleaned?

Based on CDC guidance and updated information on the low likelihood of surface transmission, schools now only need to clean high touch surfaces (door handles, bus seats, drinking fountains) and shared objects within the school and on school transport vehicles once a day, excluding certain circumstances.


Will air purifier filter replacement?

Maintenance and Operations will oversee HVAC service including filter replacement.

Filters in HVAC systems should be changed according to the typical schedule or even left in place longer than normal. Extending the time between filter changes is a strategy being employed during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, extending the time between filter changes may be beneficial.  Either way, the risks from not changing filters right on time are small.  The filters may load more than normal, which could lead to slight reductions in air flow. 


Will plexiglass be installed/available?

Plexiglass/desk shields will be available to all staff/students upon request. Recent CDC research found that the desk or table barriers did not correlate with lower infection rates. Mask mandates and ventilation did.