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COVID-19 Food Service FAQ

How will CNS setup the cafeteria? Package food? Handle the cashier?

Given very low risk of transmission from surfaces and shared objects, there is no need to limit food service approaches to single use items and packaged meals. Cashier services shall operate like before, pre-pandemic.

Maximize physical distance as much as possible while eating (especially indoors). Using additional spaces outside of the cafeteria for mealtime seating such as classrooms or the gymnasium can help facilitate distancing. Arrange for eating outdoors as much as feasible.

Clean frequently touched surfaces. Surfaces that come in contact with food should be washed, rinsed, and sanitized before and after meals.


Will we be able to eat in class?

Yes. Classrooms may be used for eating.

Maximize physical distance as much as possible while eating (especially indoors). Using additional spaces outside of the cafeteria for mealtime seating such as classrooms or the gymnasium can help facilitate distancing. Arrange for eating outdoors as much as feasible.


Can students bring lunches or food from home?

Yes. Students may bring lunches from home.