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COVID-19 Safety Guidelines

The Adelanto Elementary School District is committed to providing a quality educational experience for all students and families. In the COVID-19 environment, we have developed protocols for safe school operations for the 2021/22 school year.

To download and view a PDF, click here.

1. Masks/Face Shields/Face Coverings

All staff and students will wear masks indoors. Outdoor masks will be optional for staff and students.


2. Plexiglas Desk Shields

Desk shields are available, upon request from staff and students.


3. Water Access

Staff and students will bring their own water bottles from home and water fountains/sinks will be available for filling bottles only, not for direct drinking.


4. Hand Washing

Staff and students should wash hands frequently and for a minimum of 20 seconds.


5. Social Distancing

No social distancing in buses, cafeterias, classrooms and playgrounds.


6. Self-Screening

Staff and students will self-screen at home before coming to District office or school sites.


7. Temperature Screening

All visitors will check in using temperature kiosks.


8. Cleaning/Disinfecting

All sites will be cleaned/disinfected daily.


9. COVID-19 Investigation

Investigations, contact tracing, testing and notifications will be coordinated by District and school site staff. The need for quarantine is determined based on exposure type, length, vaccination status and the use of health protocols and will be determined by the team on a case-by-case basis.