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Principal's Message

Jahnnylyn Malana profile image
Jahnnylyn Malana



Welcome Dear Theodore Vick Elementary School Students, Families, and Community!

We are excited to partner with all of you this year in providing our students the best possible education and preparing them for their future.

I've been in the field of education for 31 years and have served AESD for six years, first as Assistant Administrator of Instructional Improvement and Academic Coaching (AAIIAC) for two years and then as district Coordinator of Curriculum and Instruction for over two years. I taught single-subject English Language Arts for several years and then multiple-subjects during the last few years of my teaching career. My educational background includes Bachelor in Elementary Education, Master of Arts in Teaching, and an Endorsement in Educational Leadership. Currently, I am taking up my Doctorate in Education. I have always been committed to continual growth, equity, organized management, collaboration and communication, positive relationships, and constant pursuit of excellence.

As an educator and educational leader, I believe that all students can succeed with good quality education and proper support including positive relationships and social-emotional development. Our teachers and support staff are dedicated and work extremely hard to provide meaningful learning experiences to our students through rigorous academics, Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program, and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), among others. 

It is vital that we develop a strong and positive partnership between home and school to provide support and guidance for our students to succeed. Moving forward as the TVE Team, let us work together to make Ted Vick Elementary the best at getting better every day toward excellence and inspire our students to be consistent Model Mustangs and succeed. Let all our endeavors be constantly guided by our shared vision and mission as well as our Mustangs' pledge as stated below:

Vision: to be the premier elementary school in the high desert where students achieve academic excellence, nurture their talents, and shape their character with integrity and perseverance for future successes.

Mission: to uphold standards of excellence in education by: providing multi-tiered systems of support, strengthening professional practice and collective efficacy, increasing student attendance and accountability, and improving student and parent engagement.

Ted Vick Mustang Pledge

As Ted Vick Mustangs, we pledge to:

Respect our world, Own our choices, Care for others, and Keep our focus.

Mustangs ROCK!



Mrs. Jahn J. Malana, Principal

"Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better." --Pat Riley

"Unity is strength...when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." -- Mattie J.T. Stepanek