HOPE Scholars

HOPE Scholars                                   

  • Hope
  • Opportunity
  • Positivity
  • Empowerment

What is HOPE Scholars?

The HOPE Scholars program provides a supportive environment with curriculum, instruction, guidance and counseling, and tutorial assistance to help students overcome barriers to learning. This class is designed to support students who are irregular in attendance, need to unlearn and replace other negative behaviors, or are unsuccessful academically.

Program Features

  • Freedom Writer's Teachers
  • Teachers are trained in restorative practices
  • Daily social emotional learning
  • Interactive lesson design and blended learning
  • Accelerated curriculum (online) aligned to California State Standards
  • Small group and individual counseling
  • Targeted behavior intervention
  • Small class sizes
  • Transition program with Individualized Learning Plans
  • Re-evaluate placement every quarter
  • Teaching a Growth Mindset

Program Outcomes

  • Improved self-image and resiliency
  • Acquisition of better skills for scholastic success
  • Increased ability to assume responsibility for their own learning and behavior
  • Empowerment


This program is intended for students who are experiencing significant behavior challenges in their current general education school setting. 

  • Eligible for students enrolled in AESD in grades 5-8
  • Parent participation is required and essential
  • Enrollment in the program is for a set period of time between 9 and 36 weeks
  • Recommended by administration or parent/guardian


For more information call Academic Services at 760-246-8691, Student Services Coordinator.